GUIMail (a CAIRO team product) |
This version of GUIMail represents the next generation of VistA GUIMail. Among many enhancements suggested by VA users from across the country, this version also supports file attachments -- A rather significant feature addition for VistA GUIMail users, even though it is a common feature in traditional mail clients..
Here is a sample screen from GUIMail running via the Hardhats Diamond installation.
Some of the other enhancements are:
Requires the following software:
This software is provided as is with no warranty.
The official home for the GUIMail download, outside the VA firewall, is at the WorldVista site.
NOTE: The following information was applicable to version 2.1. It is not known is this is still relevant to later versions, so do not attempt it until you are sure the problem still exists.
(The v2.1.1 client is just an exe that is to be saved over the GUImail v2.1
exe on PCs running Windows 2000/XP. Version 2.1 must have been previously installed.)
The Hardhats have identified a problem in using GUIMail with RPC Broker on Cache (perhaps other M implementations as well, but it has not been tested by Hardhats.) The CWMAIL3 program closes a file twice, which interacts with the Kernel to accidentally close the Null device which is needed by the RPC Broker.
Here is an unofficial work around, until the developer can provide an official fix. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. In the CWMAIL3 program, comment out the following lines, as shown below.
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