I am one of the foremost experts on VISTA and RPMS outside of VA and IHS. I have the unique distinction of having set-up multiple systems from the ground up. Today, I support VISTA and RPMS users.
Historically, most software I have written is in MUMPS due to my involvement in VISTA and RPMS. In the same arena, I have written software in C#, Javascript/HTML, Delphi, Java and Python. Prior to getting involved in medical software, I wrote some stuff in ASP.net.
Today, I work on a C codebase and a lot of scripting around it.
These are some of the big open source projects that I worked on.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
The summary of all this work can be found here.
A sizable collection of VISTA and RPMS set-up articles can be found on my page on Vistapedia.
Installing VistA
Educational Resouces on VistA