Converting CPRS to talk to VistA using UTF-8

Introduction to Plan VI (aka Plan 6)

OSEHRA just started a project called Plan VistA Internationlization (VI)--and in order to distinguish it from VistA Imaging, we decided to call it Plan 6. The objective of the project is to allow VistA to be easily modified by international users for use in their own countries in local languages and local dates. It is not intended to be a thorough implementation in a specific language.

One of the first stages of OSEHRA's Plan 6 work is for CPRS to be able to talk to VistA in UTF-8. Since Delphi XE (released in 2009), Delphi supported Unicode strings as UTF-16. This allows us for the first time to transparently support different character sets within the same sysatem, and it allowed us to represent glyph based languages (such as Chinese) for the first time in CPRS.

I (Sam Habiel) was very involved in choosing a character set for VistA's implementation in Jordan, where various elements needed to be represented in Arabic. You can find my adventures linked from my home page. In the end, due to the fact that Delphi 2006 only allowed us to use single bytes for each character, we ended up using Windows Code Page 1256 for all of VistA. It worked, but it required us to write some hooks in order to talk to other systems that used Unicode (e.g. Printers).

Modifying the XWB Broker - Try 1 and why were only partially successful

We found out quickly that we needed to modify a single broker file: wsockc.pas. It was easier said than done. Writing network communication code is hard; and trying to adapt the existing older string types turned out to be problematic. These are the main issues:

The following is the main receive loop as as result of our first try. Code containing "//" was previous code that was commented out.

//  BufSend, BufRecv, BufPtr: PChar;
BufSend, BufRecv, BufPtr: PAnsiChar;

  BytesRead := recv(hSocket, BufPtr^, BytesLeft, 0);

  if BytesRead > 0 then begin
    if BufPtr[BytesRead-1] = #4 then begin
//    sBuf := ConCat(sBuf, BufPtr);xe3
      sBuf := sBuf + Utf8ToUnicodeString(BufPtr);
    end else begin
      BufPtr[BytesRead] := #0;
//    sBuf := ConCat(sBuf, BufPtr);
      sBuf := sBuf + Utf8ToUnicodeString(BufPtr);
    Inc(BytesTotal, BytesRead);

  if BytesRead <= 0 then begin
    if BytesRead = SOCKET_ERROR then
      NetError('recv', 0)
      NetError('connection lost', 0);
until BufPtr[BytesRead-1] = #4;
sBuf := Copy(sBuf, 1, pos(#4,sBuf)-1);

This code worked for receiving data from VistA, but was incorrect in other respects. The biggest problem we had was that the BytesRead count did not reflect the end of the string anymore--and we didn't know anyway in which to fix this--thus the hacky copy at the end that guesses the end of the string. I also learned later that pAnsiChar has some hidden semantics that make them convert strings into the current code page being used in the system.

Network Communication, the correct way

I have previously converted a VistA TCP Communication Library to use Unicode: BMXNet, in C#. I knew that we needed to send and receive bytes; not strings. But I didn't know how I can do that in Delphi. Plus the concept of multiple types of strings was very confusing to me.

The following resources really helped me:

I found out from Marco Cantu's book that as of Delphi XE7, you can concatenate two TBytes arrays using a + sign; rather than manually setting a new array by copying memory. That was the big magical ingredient in my new algorithm.

Some simple examples to illustrate my changes, before showing you again the read loop:

LPack is the most important call to get right in order to be able to send Unicode data to VistA. LPack Before:

function LPack(Str: String; NDigits: Integer): String;
  r: Integer;
  t: String;
  Width: Integer;
  Ex1: Exception;
  r := Length(Str);
  // check for enough space in NDigits characters
  t := IntToStr(r);
  Width := Length(t);
  if NDigits < Width then
    Ex1 := Exception.Create('In generation of message to server, call to LPack where Length of string of '+IntToStr(Width)+' chars exceeds number of chars for output length ('+IntToStr(NDigits)+')');
    Raise Ex1;
  t := '000000000' + IntToStr(r);               {eg 11-1-96}
  Result := Copy(t, length(t)-(NDigits-1),length(t)) + Str;

LPack After:

function LPack(Str: String; NDigits: Integer): TBytes;
  r: Integer;
  t: String;
  t2: String;
  Width: Integer;
  Ex1: Exception;
  r := TEncoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(Str);
  // check for enough space in NDigits characters
  t := IntToStr(r);
  Width := Length(t);
  if NDigits < Width then
    Ex1 := Exception.Create('In generation of message to server, call to LPack where Length of string of '+IntToStr(Width)+' chars exceeds number of chars for output length ('+IntToStr(NDigits)+')');
    Raise Ex1;
  end; //if
  t := '000000000' + IntToStr(r);               {eg 11-1-96}
  t2 := Copy(t, length(t)-(NDigits-1),length(t));
  Result := TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(t2) + TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Str);
end; //function LPack

The main changes, which are echoed throughout, is that length is measured using TEncoding.UTF8.GetByteCount() and rather than strings, we send bytes, which are converted from strings using TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(), which returns a TBytes array. TBytes are concatenated together using a + sign to get the Result for the function.

Let's now show the new receive call:

function TXWBWinsock.NetCall(hSocket: TSocket; imsg: Tbytes): PChar; // JLI 090805
  BufSink: TBytes;                                            // to /dev/null
  BufSend: TBytes;                                            // Send Buffer
  BufRecv: TBytes;                                            // Receive Buffer
  LBufSend: integer;                                          // Send Buffer Length

  { -- loop reading TCP buffer until server is finished sending reply }
  BytesTotal := 0;
    SetLength(BufRecv, Buffer32k + BytesTotal);
    BytesRead := recv(hSocket, BufRecv[BytesTotal], Buffer32k, 0);
    if BytesRead <= 0 then
      if BytesRead = SOCKET_ERROR then
        NetError('recv', 0)
        NetError('connection lost', 0);
    end; //if BytesRead <= 0
    Inc(BytesTotal, BytesRead);
  until BufRecv[BytesTotal-1] = $4; //repeat
  SetLength(BufRecv, BytesTotal);
  BufRecv[BytesTotal-1] := $0;

  Result := StrAlloc(BytesTotal);
  StrCopy(Result, PChar(TEncoding.UTF8.GetString(BufRecv)));

Using TBytes allowed me several advantages:

The main other function that was refactored was BuildPar. With these changes, we can now send and receive UTF-8 data to VistA.

What about the Broker in VistA?

The XWB Broker in VistA needed a couple of changes:

I took the opportunity to refactor XWBRW while I am at it to make it simpler and increase the buffer sizes--which were still at 255 characters. I also commented it very well in order to make sure that I can maintain it in the future. You can find the new version here.

What about Caché?

If you were paying attention in the previous paragraph, you will notice that my changes to XWBRW will only work on GT.M/YDB.

Caché is problematic in its Unicode support. It uses a mix of UTF-8/ASCII for the lower 128 bytes of ASCII and what seems to be UCS-2 for code points above 127; and it has no equivalents to $ZL/$ZE to count bytes. I asked Intersystems Support; and it looks like a Japanese support person recommended that I should best use $ZCONVERT(string,"O","UTF8") and then use $L and $E with that.

Right now XWBRW is a first draft; all calls to $ZL or $ZE will need to be made in %ZOSV which will implement it correctly for the M Virtual Machine being run.

Other changes

There are two other minor changes that need to be mentioned:

End Result

Here are some screenshots to show you the result of the work. This screenshot is of Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 sample file entered into the Introductory Text in VistA. Note that some glyphs show up as just rectangles--that is due to the fact that the font doesn't support the glyph.

The following is a few patients entered in VistA, in the following languages (below the line indictating the previously selected patient): Icelandic, English, Thai, Japanese Hiragana, Japanese Kanji/Chinese and Korean.