Barzun's Dawn to Decadance List of Referenced Book


Barzun's Dawn to Decadance was his last book before he died; and it was a synthesis of his learning. It's a wonderful history book describing Western Civilization over the last 500 years; and contains a lot of recommendations of other books to read. I read the book a few years ago, and recorded all the books, and I am finally getting to put it down on the internet. This also contains a few quotes I really liked.


Page Author Title Notes
5 Lutien Febvie & James Martin The Coming of the Book
13 Anthony Froude Life & Letters of Erasmus
16 Martin Luther Table Talk
30 Dorothy Sayers The Mind of the Maker
56 Paul Oskar Kristeller Renaissance Thought
67 Leonardo Da Vinci Notebooks
  1. Ruhemann
Artist and Craftman
B76 Cellini Autobiography
B77 Ralph Mayer Artist's Handbook
80 Montaigne Diary of 1580-81
81 Beaumarchais The Marriage of Figaro
86 Balzac Catherine de Médicis
93 Rupert Croft-Cooke Through Spain with Don Quixote
94 José Castillejo War of Ideas in Spain
99 Samuel Eliot Marison Christopher Columbus, Mariner
103 Oliver Wamer English Maritime Writing from Hakluyt to Cook
103 Dorothy Sayers The Adverture of Uncle Meleager's Will
105 Valazquez Painting: "The Surrender at Brenda"
106 José Ortega y Gasset Invertebrate Spain
108 Hugh A MacDougal Racial Myth in English History
111 Theodore Caplow Peace Games
111 Anon.; tr. WS Merwin La Vida de Lazavillo
114 James Pennethorne Huges Is thy name Wart?
122 Josephine Tey The Daughter of Our Time
122 Charles Ross Richard III
133 Albert Jay Nock A Journey into Rabelais' France
137 Montaigne Travels
140 Jacob Feis Shakespeare and Montaigne
152 WP Ker Epic & Romance
154 Anon.; tr. Leonard Bacon Os Lusiadas
161 Edmund H Fellows The English Madrigal School
162 Ed. WH Auden & NH Pearson
The English Poets, Vol II
164 Jacques Barzun An Essay on French Verse for Readers of English Poetry
167 JE Spingarn Literary Criticism in the Renaissance
172 Harold Nicolson Diplomacy
172 JF Revel Culture and Cuisine
188 Milton Comus
192 Whitehead Science and Modern World
192 HT Pledge Science since 1500
196 F Sherwood Taylor The Alchemsits
196 New ideas do not battle so knowledge much with ignorance as with solid
205 Dava Sobel Longitude
222 Bergen Evans The Psychiatry of Robert Burton
227 Ed. Manuel Komroff The Contemporaries of Marco Polo
229 JH Mundy & Peter Riesenberg The Medieval Town
230 Jean Gimpel The Medieval Machine
231 David S. Landes A Revolution in Time
231 GG Coulton The Fate of Medieval Art
231 Helen Waddell Medieval Latin Lyrics
232 Norman Cantor Medieval Lives
232 tr. Richard Aldington The Fifteen Joys of Marriage
233 tr. William R Trask Medieval Lyrics of Europe
314 Laurence Sterne Tristram Shandy
314 Christopher Duffy The fortress in the Age of Vauban and Fredrick the Great Technical
325 Swift On the Death of Dr. Swift
335 Charles Scribner III Rubens Leaf through the art
336 Charles Scribner III Bernini Leaf through the art
342 Racine, tr. Robert Lowell Phaedra
351 Emily James Putnam The Lady
351 Harold Nicolson Good Behavior
354 Ludwig Lewisohn German Style
354 ed. Ward Allen Translating For King James
356 Joseph Wood Krutch Comedy and Conscience After the Restoration ch 1-4
367 Berkeyely George Commonplace Book
377 Ed. I Bernard Cohen The Album of Science: Leonardo to Lavoisier
378 Voltaire, tr. Anthony Hecht The Lisbon Earthquake
379 Oscar A Haac Marivax
410 Walpole in Everyman Library Edition Selected Letters of Horace
410 Harrison Ross Steeves Before Jane Austen
411 Joseph Wood Krutch Samuel Johnson
413 Samuel Johnson Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland
B420 Ed. Joan Peyser The Orchestra
426 Peter Paret Understanding War
430 Charles Downer Hazen The French Revolution
430 Albert Goodwin The French Revolution
430 Carlyle The French Revolution
430 Simon Schama Citizens
437 John F Lesch Science and Medicine in France 1790-1855
449 Restif de la Bretonne Paris Nights
449 Vidocq The Memoirs
469 Jacques Barzun Classic, Romantic & Modern
B483 Edgar Johnson Walter Scott
B486 Jacques Barzun The Letters of Byron
496 Brian Primmer The Berlioz Style
497 Normon Longmate King Cholera
498 Charles Dickens Pickwick Papers Chapter 25; Chapter 13: English voters after the reform bill
498 Ellen Moers The Dandy From Brummel to Beerbohn
500 Byron The Waltz
511 ed. WC Hazlitt Winterslow by Hazlitt
512 John Kinnard William Hazlitt
521 Henry A Kissinger A World Restored: Europe After Napoleon
534 Hesketh Pearson The Smith of Smiths
534 WH Auden Selected Writings of Sydney Smith
543 LTC Rolt The Railroad Revolution
543 Carroll LV Meeks The Railroad Station
548 Raymond Postgate 1848: The Story of a Year
558 Flaubert, tr. Perdita Burlinggame L'Education Sentimentale
559 Roger L Williams The Horror of Life
564 Meridith The Egoist
564 Thomas Love Peacock Nightmare Abbey
565 Wilson Disher Melodrama
566 Sarah Faunce Courbet
571 Norman Macbeth Darwin Retired
572 Edmund Gosso Father and Son
574 GM Young Victorian England: Portrait of an Age
577 Steven Marcus The Other Victorians
579 Jacques Barzun Race: A study in superstition
581 Walter Bagehot The English Constitution
583 Ed. Jane Robinson Unsuitable for Ladies: An Anthology
583 Linda Grant Seafaring Women
596 Finley Peter Dunne Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War
  1. John Way
The bicycle
602 Floyd Clymer Scrapbook of Early Advertising Leaf through Art
603: " If I keep a cow, that cow m ilks me" -- Emerson
603 Steffan Linder The Harried Leisure Class
609 Henri Poincaré Science and Hypothesis
631 Michael Goodwin Nineteenth Century Opionion
  1. Pierce Williams
Album of Science: The 19th Century Leaf through
651 Stefan Zweig The World of Yesterday
662 Paul E Stepansky In Freud's Shadow
671 George Allen Morgan What Nietzsche Means
672 Tolstoy What is Art?
678 Constant Lambert Music Ho!
686 Anne Fremantle This Little Band of Prophets
689 G Lowes Dickinson A Modern Symposium
689 Bernard Shaw Arms and the Man
695 Oscar Wilde Vera, or the Nihilists
697 Peter Shankland Death of an Editor
697 Leonid Andreyev The Seven that were Hanged
698 John Lukacs Buda-Pest 1900
700 Ronald N Stormberg Redeption By Way: The Intellectuals and 1914
701 Caroline Playne Society at War
702 Margnus Hirschfeld The Sexual History of the World War "Translated from the German and Intended for Circulation Among Mature Educated Persons Only"
707 Shaw Common Sense About the War
708 Henry Lafarge L'Europe Blessée In English despite its title
B722 Calvin Tomkins The World of Marcel Duchamp
724 Ortega y Gasset The Dehumanization of Art
725 Henry Russell Hitchcock & Phillip Johnson The International Style
727 Raymond Loewy Industrial Design
729 Harry Partch Genesis of Music
735 Percy Marks The Jazz Age
Drawin gs by John Held Jr
740 ed. J Barzun & WH Taylor Catalogue of Crime
745 William Wiser The Crazy Years
746 DC Somerrell Between the Wars
749 René de Chambrun Laval, Patriot or Traitor
754 ed. J Barzun The Later Ego (8,9)
754 James Agate Ego, autobiography
778 Louis Lundborg The Art of Being an Executive
779 Philip K Howard The Death of Common Sense
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788 Max Eastman Journalism Versus Art
793 Lawrence Cremin The Transformation of the School
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798 Ortega y Gasset The Modern Theme
798 John T Graham Ortega y Gasset: A Pragmatic Philosophy of Life
B799 Humphrey Jennings Pandemonium